Sunday, July 5, 2015

Should Nikki Haley Resign like Rachel Dolezal ?

by Mel Goyson

When I first heard that Gov. Nikki Haley was against the Confederate Flag I thought she was maybe a race traitor, perhaps a bit of a mongrel of some kind, but that she was at least approaching white.

Then, when I saw her rewarded for being a "race traitor" by talk of a VP positioning on the GOP ticket, I got more curious about her background.

Apparently, she has identified as white, much in the same way that Rachel Dolezal was identified as black. She was born of Sikh parents. But on her voter registration she marked "white".

She uses race as leverage when it suits her, also identifying at other advantageous times as a minority. Passing as white to get voted in in a so-called "racist" state.

As a Mother Jones article notedBut even though she didn't exactly commit voter fraud, her self-race-mis-classification seems to undermine her credibilty as someone who wants to prevent people from lying on their way to the voting booth.

That event lead to Rachel Dolezal resigning, and brought the term "trans-racial" into discussion in many circles.

Being trans-racial when you are pretending to be black is apparently a cultural taboo. But is being trans-racial when pretending to be a white race traitor a cultural taboo?

Do we really want someone who plays race games and spits on our cultural heritage to be a Vice President?

Should Nikki Haley resign?


  1. Graham and Haley should resign because they have become willing pawns of the MSM and have ignored the MAJORITY of their voters. Neither will actually resign because they now have NO integrity left.

  2. Graham and Haley should resign because they have become willing pawns of the MSM and have ignored the MAJORITY of their voters. Neither will actually resign because they now have NO integrity left.
