Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Jewish Lightning Destroys 6 Black Churches, Osama Bin Laden Blamed
By Mel Goyson
Six "predominantly" black churches, and that was before the charring, have been burned, raising hopes among Jewish media bosses that it was done by white supremacists.
"With any luck, it was the Klan," said Sumner Redstone (✡). "If it was some self-hating blacks, that would really suck. The White Holocaust would probably be delayed by several weeks. However, a convenient event in the near future could fix everything. If that doesn't fly, MTV will be releasing new rap videos portraying Whites as vicious psychopaths who drive hybrids, visit Starbucks, and vote for Obama."
"I think it was a conspiracy perpetrated by Larry Silverstein," said Gus Montavo, Imperial Wizard of the DNMKKK (Dead Niggers Matter Ku Klux Klan). "You ever read the Artificial Nigger, by Flannery O'Connor? Well, the current state of affairs in the world is like a line from that story after a father and son get lost in the ghetto and find a statue of a nigger. It reads, and I'm paraphrasing: 'I guess there weren't enough real niggers, so they needed an artificial one.'"
"What the Hell are you talking about?" asked our reporter.
"Clones," said Montavo.
At that moment, Anti-White Special Forces burst into the room from every point of entry, silencing Montavo and erasing him from history. Nonetheless, he will reappear in a later article.
"Pull it," said Larry Silverstein. "Why the Hell did I say that while I was being recorded? And why did I say it again in an interview which mysteriously disappeared? What the Hell was I thinking?"
"It was the White devils," said Marshall Gladstone, of the Black Panthers. "Even if it wasn't the White devils, it was, cause all the crackas need to die."
"What if it was Eskimos?" our reporter asked.
"What?" asked Gladstone. "Why the f++k Eskimos be prejudiced now? Igloo-occupying motherf++kers."
"It was a vast far-right wing conspiracy," said Hillary Clinton. "Carried out by Neo-Nazis no doubt employed by whomever carries the Republican ticket."
Clinton then pulled a rainbow flag out of her pocket and waved it in front of her other hand, causing a small boy figurine to appear in her palm.
"Look," Clinton said, "Fudge Packer Smurf."
A newly emerged group called "Nigger Anonymous" released a video claiming the whole thing was a hoax perpetrated by the Rothschild's and the proof was that it was 6 churches, 6 being a number favored by Kabbalists.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Facebook Hates These Images -- Use Them to Get Banned on Facebook!
Want to piss off Big Brother??
Right click and download these images.
Then pop them onto Facebook and watch the magic happen!
Right click and download these images.
Then pop them onto Facebook and watch the magic happen!
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Alexandr Solzhenitsyn's “The 1920s.” Chapter 18 of 200 Years Together
Alexandr Solzhenitsyn's “The 1920s.” Chapter 18 of 200 Years Together
Kevin MacDonald
July 5, 2010
The English translation of Chapter 18 of 200 Years Together, “The 1920s” is now available. (See here, and notice the link requesting donations.) It has a very different feel from Chapter 20, on the Gulag. Whereas Solzhenitsyn’s account of the Gulag stresses his own experiences, this chapter relies on a wide range of academic historical writing to paint his picture of the USSR during the critical decade of the 1920s. His account is therefore based on mainstream scholarship and overall is similar to other accounts, such as Yuri Slezkine’s The Jewish Century. However, it goes beyond other accounts in several important ways and provides a great deal of new information for Western audiences. It is a very long chapter (26000 words). Here I summarize some of the main points and draw analogies to the current situation in the West.
Solzhenitsyn recounts the migration of Jews to the urban areas of the USSR—the centers of culture and of power. Well over 80% of ethnic Jews moved to urban areas, and they were represented in the government at around their percentage of the urban population and 6.5 times their representation in the population at large.
Russians commonly perceived Jews as dominating the Soviet government, a situation that resulted in anti-Jewish attitudes. A Jewish observer is quoted about the situation in 1923:
"The Jew is in all corners and on all levels of power.” “The Russian sees him as a ruler of Moscow, at the head of the capital on Neva [Leningrad], and at the head of the Red Army, a perfected death machine. He sees that St. Vladimir Prospect has been renamed Naumson Prospect… The Russian sees the Jew as judge and hangman; he sees Jews at every turn, not only among the communists, but among people like himself, everywhere doing the bidding of Soviet power… . Not surprisingly, the Russian, comparing present with past, is confirmed in his idea that power is Jewish power, that it exists for Jews and does the bidding of Jews.
Jews also took full advantage of new opportunities for education, aided by the “social origins policy” in which non-Jews who were children of the pre-revolutionary middle and upper classes were expelled from the universities. Jews were not subject to exclusion based on social origins because they were classified as a “repressed nationality” under that Czar. The result was that the ethnic Russian intelligentsia was “pushed to the margins.” Jews were then competing for prestigious occupations with the children of proletarian Russians. Jews therefore came to be overrepresented in the intelligentsia even controlling for the percentage of the urban population. The Russian merchants and traders were also subjected to a much harsher fate than Jews in similar positions: “The Jewish bourgeoisie was not destroyed like the Russian bourgeoisie. The Jewish merchant, much less likely to be damned as a “man of the past,” found defenders. Relatives or sympathizers in the Soviet Apparatus … warned about pending arrests or seizures. And if he lost anything — it was just capital, not life.”
This is a speeded up version of what is happening via affirmative action in America and other Western societies now. There is discrimination against higher IQ Whites in favor of lower-IQ groups. Jews, however, continue to beoverrepresented in elite academic institutions on the basis of IQ, so they are not suffering a similar level of discrimination. The only difference is that the beneficiaries are non-Whites, not the White working class. Indeed, the White working class is losing the most as a result of the multicultural revolution and, not surprisingly, this is where most of the White anger is coming from (seehere and here).
The Russians were angry too. In 1926 a professor gave a “remarkable speech” in which he described the dispossession of the Russians:
We have isolated expressions of hooliganism…. Its source is hurt national feelings of Russians. The February Revolution established the equality of all citizens of Russia, including Jews. The October Revolution went further with the Russian nation proclaiming self-renunciation. A certain imbalance has developed with respect to the proportion of the Jewish population in the country as a whole and the positions they have temporarily occupied in the cities. We are in our own cities and they arrive and squeeze us out. When Russians see Russian women, elders and children freezing on the street 9 to 11 hours a day, getting soaked by the rain in their tents at the market and when they see relatively warm covered Jewish kiosks with bread and sausage they are not happy. These phenomena are catastrophic …. There is a terrible disproportion in the government structure, in daily life and in other areas….We have a housing crisis in Moscow — masses of people are crowding into areas not fit for habitation and at the same time people see others pouring in from other parts of the country taking up housing. These arrivals are Jews. A national dissatisfaction is rising and a defensiveness and fear of other nationalities. We must not close our eyes to that. A Russian speaking to a Russian will say things that he will not say to a Jew. Many are saying that there are too many Jews in Moscow. This must be dealt with, but don’t call it anti-Semitism.
Notice particularly the comment that Russians were supposed to engage in “self-renunciation” — precisely what we see now in the common expectation that Whites are expected to accept their dispossession without complaint because of their complicity in the pre-revolutionary, traditional culture of America. As would also happen in contemporary America, the speech was quickly denounced as nothing more than “anti-Semitism.” Those who opposed the dispossession of the Russians or criticized the position of the Jews were framed as counterrevolutionaries. “And for counter-revolutionaries there is 9 grams of lead — that much is clear.”
The result was that “the average person saw [quoting a Jewish author], ‘arrogant, self-confident and self-satisfied adult Jews at ease on ‘red holidays’ and ‘red weddings’…. ‘We now sit where Czars and generals once sat, and they sit beneath us’’” “Judeophobia is everywhere in Russia today. It has swept areas where Jews were never before seen and where the Jewish question never occurred to anyone. The same hatred for Jews is found in Vologda, Archangel, in the towns of Siberia and the Urals.”
Solzhenitsyn cites a Jewish writer, Maslov:
“The expression ‘Kike Power’ is often used in Russia and particularly in Ukraine and in the former pale of settlement not as a polemic, but as a completely objective definition of power, its content and its politics.” “Soviet power in the first place answers the wishes and interests of Jews and they are its ardent supporters and in the second place, power resides in Jewish hands.”
As in his chapter on the Gulag, Solzhenitsyn stresses Jewish ethnic networking as a key to their success, again citing Maslov: the “tightly welded ethnic cohesion they have formed as a result of their difficult thousands-year-old history.” “This is particularly noticeable when it comes to selecting staff at institutions — if the selection process is in the hands of Jews, you can bet that the entire staff of responsible positions will go to Jews, even if it means removing the existing staff.” Jews were also aided by international Jewish charities throughout the 1920s, and during the New Economic Policy period (1921–1928), when capitalism was encouraged, Jews quickly came to dominate certain industries. Anger against Jewish success stemmed from the perception that “their commerce was routinely facilitated by their links and pulls in the Soviet apparatus.”
Not only did Jews favor their own, observers noted that they regarded the Russians with contempt. Solzhenitsyn again quotes Maslov: “The preference for their own is displayed in a sharp, discourteous manner which is offensive to others” (emphasis in text).
The Parisian Zionist journal Sunrise wrote in 1922 that Gorky essentially said that “the growth of anti-Semitism is aided by the tactless behavior of the Jewish Bolsheviks themselves in many situations. That is the blessed truth!” And Gorky wasn’t speaking of Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev — he was speaking of the typical Jewish communist who occupies positions in the collegiums, presidiums and petty and mid-level Soviet institutions where they come into contact with large swaths of the population. They occupy leading front-line positions which naturally multiplies their number in the mind of the public.
Russian concern about the overrepresentation of Jews at the highest levels of the party (e.g., 3 of 6 Politburo members) led to a plan for an anti-Jewish revolt in 1924 at a Party conference. It was thwarted when the leader died, “literally on the eve of the conference [as the result of] an unsuccessful and unnecessary operation for a stomach ulcer by the same surgeon who dispatched [Mikhail] Frunze with an equally unneeded operation a year and a half later” (see Wikipedia’s account of Frunze’s death.)
Solzhenitsyn makes the point that the Cheka held life and death power over all of the USSR: “Each of them with the flick of a finger could destroy anyone of us!” Seventy percent of its leadership positions during the Red Terror were non-Russian, but this fell to around 40–45% by the mid-1920s. However, Jews became an increasing percentage of the Cheka at this time; hence, Slezkine’s comment on Jews as “Stalin’s willing executioners.” “In the 20’s the inevitable question hangs in the air that was posed many year later by Leonard Schapiro: why was it ‘highly likely that anyone unfortunate enough to fall into the hands of the Cheka would go before a Jewish interrogator or be shot by a Jew.’”
Solzhenitsyn is emphasizing the ethnic angle to mass murder in the USSR: Russians were disproportionately victims, and non-Russians, and particularly Jews, were disproportionately perpetrators. He also emphasizes that a prime motive for Jews was revenge against the old order. Describing a family of Hasidic Jews who became prominent in the Cheka, he notes, “They thirsted for revenge on everyone — aristocrats, the wealthy, Russians, few were left out. This was their path to self realization.”
Again, the analogy is striking. As emphasized repeatedly on TOO, Whites can expect to be increasingly victimized by non-Whites with historical grudges as they sink to minority status and lose political power. The difference, of course, is that because the Bolsheviks had totalitarian control, they were able to carry out their war on ethnic Russians even though the Russians comprised a dominant majority of the population.
But the general Jewish reaction to this horror has been pride in accomplishment, not guilt for having perpetrated mass murder against their perceived ethnic enemies.
Often these Jewish authors thoughtlessly and meticulously comply and publish vast lists of the Jewish leadership of the time. For example, see how proudly the article “Jews in the Kremlin,” published in journal Alef, provides a list of the highest Soviet officials — Jews for 1925. It listed eight out of twelve directors of the state Central Bank. The same Jewish representation was found among top trade union leaders. And it comments: “We do not fear accusations. Quite the opposite — it is active Jewish participation in governing the state that helps in understanding why the affairs of state were better then than now, when Jews at top positions are as rare as hen’s teeth.” Unbelievably, it was written in 1989.
As usual, Jews themselves had self-serving and self-deceptive attitudes on the causes of anti-Jewish attitudes. For example, Yuri Larin prepared a report asserting that anti-Jewish attitudes were “dreamed up and spread among the masses by an underground organization of counter-revolutionaries!” The closest Larin comes to a reasonable interpretation is his assertion that the anti-Semitism of the Russian intelligentsia comes from competition with Jews for government jobs, but he denied that Jews in fact held an “excessive number” of government jobs.
The result was a government-led campaign against anti-Semitism: “The battle to create an atmosphere of intolerance of anti-Semitism was to be taken up in educational programs, public reports, lectures, the press, radio and school textbooks and finally, authorities were ‘to apply the strictest disciplinary measures to those found guilty of anti-Semitic practices.’”
Again, the analogies with the present are striking, although in the contemporary West there is a greater role for non-governmental entities, such as privately owned media and activist organizations, most notably the ADL and the SPLC. However, whereas current propaganda about anti-Semitism emphasizes Jewish suffering, particularly the Holocaust, in the USSR the ideology was that anti-Semitism was a cloak for anti-revolutionary activities: “The masses must regard anyone who shows sympathy to anti-Semitism as a secret counter-revolutionary or the mouthpiece of a secret monarchist organization.”
Solzhenitsyn alludes to a 1930 ruling that prevented the Draconian provisions of the law on anti-Semitism (prison, confiscation of property, and in some cases, death) from being used in cases of personal dispute. This suggests that at least prior to this ruling, Jews at times made accusations of anti-Semitism in order to win personal disputes with non-Jews.
Because Jews had assumed a position of power and influence in the USSR, the USSR was regarded quite highly in the West. Much of the West, including European and American Jews, maintained feelings of good will towards the Soviets. The Soviet Union was good for the Jews, and therefore received positive coverage in the West.
Positive relations with the Soviet regime were held not only because of European intellectuals’ sympathy for any socialist movement but, to a large degree, because world and American Jewry were satisfied with the status of Russian Jews. Undoubtedly things would be good for Jews under the Soviets and no pogroms threatened. Effective Soviet propaganda further publicized the positive outlook for Soviet Jews.
International good will and sympathy helped Soviet leaders obtain Western, particularly American, financial support. Without that support, the Soviet economy could not have escaped the damage of the “war communism” era.
International good will and sympathy helped Soviet leaders obtain Western, particularly American, financial support. Without that support, the Soviet economy could not have escaped the damage of the “war communism” era.
The fact that the USSR was good for the Jews therefore had a major effect in bolstering and motivating the Jewish left which was the backbone of the left in the US and elsewhere in the West. This in turn had major implications well into the Cold War era. Jews were vastly overrepresented as targets of the McCarthy era, and Jewish intellectuals generally continued to have rosy views of the USSR throughout the 1950s. Most egregiously, the American Jewish Congress — by far the largest Jewish organization in terms of membership — continued to be associated with the far left and was formally affiliated with organizations listed as subversive by the US Attorney General. The CPUSA viewed members of the AJCongress as “democratic forces” in their attempt to create “democratic and anti-fascist” policies in the World Jewish Congress.
Writers like Yuri Slezkine and Jewish activist organizations like the ADL claim that the Jews who played such an important role in the USSR left their Jewish identity behind and completely assimilated to Soviet culture. Solzhenitsyn rejects this myth (see also here, p. 79ff). Despite government hostility toward all religion, Jewish ethnicity remained intact: “A remnant of Jewish self-awareness was preserved and remained. Even in the flood of the internationalism of the 20’s, mixed marriages (between Jews and Russians or Jews and any non-Jew), as measured from 1924–1926, were only 6.3% of the total marriages for Jews in the USSR, including 16.8% in RSFSR, but only 2.8% in Byelorussia and 4.5% in Ukraine (according to another source, on average in USSR, 8.5%; in RSFSR, 21%; in Byelorussia, 3.2%; and in Ukraine, 5%).
Solzhenitsyn makes the important point that the public face of the USSR in the West was Jewish, since such a large percentage of the diplomatic corps and embassy and trade officials were Jewish: A Jewish author notes that “‘In the publishing arm [of the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs] there is not one non-Jew’ and further, with evident pride, the author ‘examines the staff in Soviet consulates around the world and finds there is not one country in the world where the Kremlin has not placed a trusted Jew.’”
This then fed into the public perception throughout the West among conservatives that Jews dominated the USSR, with far-reaching implications. Despite the fact that the left continued to see the USSR as the promised land, at least partly because of its treatment of Jews, this was not the case with a great many non-Jewish intellectuals and political leaders, including Winston Churchill, Woodrow Wilson, and the National Socialists in Germany (see here, pp. xxxix–xli). Hitler in particular saw Jews as being an elite in the USSR and as involved in mass murder of Russians.
Solzhenitsyn also presents an interesting discussion of the struggle for control of the Party between Stalin and Trotsky. Trotsky was joined by two other Jews, Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev. As a result, the “United Opposition” had a decidedly Jewish look, and many of its supporters, followers of Trotsky, were also Jewish. However, Stalin decided not to use the Jewish angle in his battle with the United Opposition because of the power of Jews within the Party and the need to preserve good relations with the West — a comment that says much about Jewish power in the West at that time. He also realized that he needed to continue to curry favor with Jews in his struggle with Russian nationalism and the collectivization of the Russian peasants. Nevertheless, there was an undercurrent of anti-Semitism in the opposition to Trotsky.
Particularly interesting is that Stalin continued to see the Jews as reliable allies in his opposition to Russian nationalism: “At the 26th Party Congress in 1930 Stalin declared 'Great Russian chauvinism' to be the 'main danger of the national question.' Thus, at the end of the 20’s Stalin did not carry out his planned purge of the party and government apparatus of Jews, but encouraged their expansion in many fields, places and institutions.”
This is a common theme in Jewish history from the ancient world into modern times—Jews as making alliances with oppressive elites in opposition to the great majority of the population. Stalin would continue this policy in post-World War II Eastern Europe, where Jews were often installed as a ruling elite in opposition to nationalist movements. (See, for example, the discussion of Poland here, p. 60ff). As ethnic outsiders, Jews had no allegiance to the native population and were "willing executioners" of the native peoples.
Solzhenitsyn makes clear the Jewish role as ethnic outsiders who could be counted on to carry out the war on the predominantly Slavic Russian peasants:
At the 25th Congress in December 1927, the time had come to address the looming “peasant question” — what to do with the presumptuous peasantry which had the temerity to ask for manufactured goods in exchange for their grain. Molotov delivered the main report on this topic and among the debaters were the murderers of the peasantry — Schlikhter and Yakovlev-Epstein (250). A massive war against the peasantry lay ahead and Stalin could not afford to alienate any of his reliable allies and probably thought that in this campaign against a disproportionately Slavic population it would be better to rely on Jews than on Russians. He preserved the Jewish majority in the Gosplan. The commanding heights of collectivization and its theory included, of course, Larin. Lev Kritzman was director of the Agrarian Institute from 1928. As Assistant to the President of the Gosplan in 1931–33 he played a fateful role in the persecution of Kondratev and Chayanov. Yakov Yakovlev-Epstein took charge of People’s Commissariat of Agriculture in 1929. … And thus he led the “Great Change,” the imposition of collectivization on millions of peasants with its zealous implementers on the ground. A contemporary writer reports: “for the first time ever a significant number of young Jewish communists arrived in rural communities as commanders and lords over life and death. Only during collectivization did the characterization of the Jew as the hated enemy of the peasant take hold — even in those places where Jews had never been seen before”
Solzhenitsyn acknowledges that Russians could have been found who would have done the same thing. Nevertheless, “Jewish communists participated efficiently and diligently” in collectivization. It was a war against the Russian people — a war that was carried out with "a certain enthusiasm among Jews."
De-Kulakization was not a socio-economic measure, but a measure taken against a nationality. The strategic blow against the Russian people, who were the main obstacle to the victory of communism, was conceived of by Lenin, but carried out after his death. In those years communism with all its cruelty was directed mostly against Russians. It is amazing that not everything has perished during those days. Collectivization, more than any other policy of the communists, gives the lie to the conception of Stalin’s dictatorship as nationalist, i.e., “Russian.”
This was not only a war against Russians. It was a war against the concept of being a Russian. “The study of Russian history, archeology, and folklore was suppressed — the Russians could not have a past. … Even the word ‘Russian,’ as in ‘I am Russian’ sounded like a counter-revolutionary cry which I well remember from my childhood. But without hesitation everywhere was heard and printed “Russopyati” [an anti-Russian slur]! Thus a Jewish writer demands the removal of “history’s garbage” from the city square in Moscow — the removal of statues and other tokens of Russian historical memory.
Russian patriotism was abolished forever. But the feelings of the people will not be forgotten. Not how it felt to see the Church of the Redeemer blown up by the engineer Dzhevalkin and that the main mover behind this was Kaganovich who wanted to destroy St. Basil’s cathedral as well. Russian Orthodoxy was publicly harassed by “warrior atheists” led by Gubelman-Yaroslavsky. It is truthfully noted: “That Jewish communists took part in the destruction of churches was particularly offensive… No matter how offensive the participation of sons of Russian peasants in the persecution of the church, the part played by each non-Russian was even more offensive.”
This makes psychological sense because the actions of an outgroup member are always seen in a more negative light — an aspect of evolutionary psychology.
Despite all this, Jewish intellectuals and activist organizations have attempted to sanitize the Jewish role in the darkest days of the USSR. Solzhenitsyn notes that now there is a myth that
under Soviet power Jews were always second class citizens. … It’s very rare to hear an admission that not only did they take part, but there was a certain enthusiasm among Jews as they carried out the business of the barbaric young government. “The mixture of ignorance and arrogance which Hannah calls a typical characteristic of the Jewish parvenu filled the government, social and cultural elite. The brazenness and ardor with which all Bolshevik policies were carried out — whether confiscation of church property or persecution of ‘bourgeois intellectuals’ gave Bolshevik power in the 20’s a certain Jewish stamp” (263).
In the 90’s another Jewish public intellectual, writing of the 20’s said: “In university halls Jews often set the tone without noticing that their banquet was happening against the backdrop of the demise of the main nationality in the country. … During the 20’s Jews were proud of fellow Jews who had brilliant careers in the revolution, but did not think much about how that career was connected to the real suffering of the Russian people… Most striking today is the unanimity with which my fellow Jews deny any guilt in the history of 20th century Russia”
A similar comment could be made about the role of Jews in the erection of the current multicultural, anti-White climate in the US, and especially their role in bringing about massive non-White immigration and the erection of the “proposition nation” idea in place of the historical American nation with a sense of White racial and cultural identity. In the USSR Jews actively participated in the destruction of the idea that there was any ethnic or national basis to the USSR and they were eager participants in the destruction of the older culture as well as in the mass murder of millions of ethnic Russians. But Jewish intellectuals deny any special role for Jews in these transformations, and this line is rigorously enforced by Jewish activist organizations.
White Americans must think long and hard about what this portends in a future America where Jews are already a major part of the elite and are already active in promoting alliances with non-White ethnic groups, many of which, like the Jews themselves, have historical grudges against the traditional people and culture of America.
Kevin MacDonald is editor of The Occidental Observer and a professor of psychology at California State University–Long Beach. Email him.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn,
Soviet Union,
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Arrogance and the dreadful future
By John Kaminski
world with no future — only lies, swindles and endless murder. Life is
cheap and getting cheaper by the minute. You have no solution to what is
going on in the world. Everyone is trapped in economic quicksand. The
hideous sound of panic in your brain as you try to calculate what will
happen in the days to come prevents coherent thinking. This is what the
so-called governments want to happen. As long as people remain blind to
the ugly fictions being imposed on us, there's no way to stop them.
It becomes
essential to see behind the scenes, but the government and the media
that have merged into the same entity and conspire to keep people blind
effectively block that view.
has become impossible to contemplate a fruitful future. All but the
moneyed elite are being shortchanged. Call it the art of the 21st
century — taking the bribe and screwing people, participating in the
mass deception, burying the actual truth deeper and deeper with each
fabricated atrocity, with each totalitarian new law that lessens our
realistic chances for survival and contentment.
power brokers wanted to pass a bill ending free government in the
United States, so they staged an apparent mass murder in a South
Carolina church to fog the media mirror with smoky emotion, steal the
headlines and pass the bill giving corporations the upper hand over duly
elected governmental bodies. The bill passed. Only business really
counts. Sure they lie, but everybody knows by now there's no money in
the truth. There's only the cash to pay people to make sure they keep
their mouths shut.
Why the families of those South Carolina victims received millions of dollars tells a story we have heard before.
the beast! You will whether you want to or not, for you are its food.
And at this late date, nobody can stop the process. You can't stop it
until everybody stops it. But far too many are afraid not to believe the
lies, so nobody's going to stop it until its far too late. It already
it far too late. And nobody is stopping the process. Everybody is going
along with the unseen plan to radically reduce the population, hoping
that somehow they will be included in the rich man's dream and not the
poor man's dread.
Jade Helm exercise supposedly being a temporary practice exercise
implementing a heavy handed police state in eight states is being put in
place for when the banks fail and chaos follows, so the U.S. Army
Police Force will already be in place to scoop up the indigent and the
is not a temporary measure. It is the new configuration of U.S. police,
eager to treat American citizens like Arab terrorists, an attitude they
were taught in Israel. Most people will give thanks for their
captivity. It will seem like they're being rescued, but they will not be
returning to the lives they previously had. Those lives will be gone.
And their lives will be gone, if they are sick, or have committed a
crime, or have been too free with their criticisms of the government.
will not be going on to their new lives, as citizens of the new nation.
There will only be room for those on the same page as the tyrants, who
don't have much to say about the larger issues. This process will enable
a significant population reduction. As you scurry through the woods
like escaped convicts, there will be no way to avoid the great dragnet.
Eventually, your stomach will turn you in.
course, there is even a deeper reason for Jade Helm. Beyond the
collapse of the economic system and the supply system which will lead to
mass starvation, is the actual collapse of the biosphere, in which
firestorms sweep the planet and the air becomes impossible to breathe.
All plant life will die off followed eventually by most animal life,
many informed scientists insist.
the special rich people living underground will survive for awhile.
Needless to say, some kind of authority will be necessary to attempt to
bring some organization to a collapsing society and a disintegrating
species. Maybe that's why the cops are killing everyone in sight now.
as you might, dear American, you don't really know either genuine
horror or despair. Not yet, anyway. Nor do you realize you are
responsible for the horror and despair that by your ignorance and
indifference you have inflicted on people you never knew. Although we as
a species own the collective blame for a planet murdered by delusions
and misperceptions, we as individuals can't be blamed for every
individual tragedy on the face of the Earth. But these incomprehensible
events give us a stunning preview of what our future very likely will be
In an
impoverished province of southwestern China on the evening of June 9,
four young children were found dead, apparent suicides from drinking
pesticide, having been left to fend for themselves, possibly for more
than a year, by their migrant parents who had gone elsewhere to look for
work. <http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2015/06/22/chin-j22.html?view=mobilearticle>
According to China Youth Daily,
the eldest child, the 13-year-old boy named Zhang Qigang, was found
sprawled outside the family home by a passerby at 11 p.m., having drunk a
substantial quantity of pesticide. The three younger girls were found
inside the house. They were taken to hospital and subsequently
pronounced dead.
The abandoned children had been subsisting on ground corn flour from the previous year’s crop. According
to official census figures, at least 61 million children have been
“left behind” by parents who had to migrate to larger cities in search
of work. The figure represents some 22 percent of children nationwide in
China. In rural areas, it is estimated at around one in three.
could call these kids victims of the bottom line. Children committing
suicide is the future we face, not only in China, but throughout the
world, as the wall-to-wall horror and despair in our faces may not be
hidden from our children. The thing parents always forget that their
children are not only smarter than they are, but more perceptive as
Rue the day when our children must become ruthless savages to survive.
We whine about
the deprivations we endure, but they are nothing compared to the agonies
of the majority of people on the planet. In some faraway places such as
China, we may disclaim responsibility for the horror, but in other
places with the same kind of events, we may not. Exactly a year ago,
singer/record producer Brian Eno, speaking at the National Demonstration for Gaza in London, read his letter to America, titled "WHY? I just don't get it."
Dear All of You,
I sense I’m breaking an unspoken rule with this letter, but I can’t keep quiet any more.
I saw a picture of a weeping Palestinian man holding a plastic carrier
bag of meat. It was his son. He’d been shredded (the hospital’s word) by
an Israeli missile attack – apparently using their fab new weapon,
flechette bombs. You probably know what those are – hundreds of small
steel darts packed around explosive which tear the flesh off humans. The
boy was Mohammed Khalaf al-Nawasra. He was 4 years old.
suddenly found myself thinking that it could have been one of my kids
in that bag, and that thought upset me more than anything has for a long
I read that the UN had said that Israel might be guilty of war crimes
in Gaza, and they wanted to launch a commission into that. America won’t
sign up to it.
Would you say that America, if it ever had one, had long ago lost its conscience?
our modern technological advancements have done nothing but bring us
misery and heartlessness. All of our contemporary social theories have
left us amputated from our families, isolated from everyone and at the
cruel mercy of the state.
reality keeps being bombarded by the contrived rhythms of history.
These fictions, written by the victors, make it harder and harder to
discern the true forces of control, and with each new fiction imposed
upon the public — say, the Charleston church massacre — it becomes more
difficult to return focus to the hidden hand behind all these public
events, which is what we must do if we are ever to escape the sadistic
plans that those with more money than we can even imagine have for us.
• • •
Reminiscent of the societal divide of H.G. Wells's futuristic novel The Time Machine,
today's society has broken down into two groups — those with money and
power and those without. There is no morality in this divide, only
the ruthlessness of those keeping the books and the frustrated terror of
those with no access to affluence.
Those who riot play right into the hands of those who control the guns, enabling them to more easily reduce the population.
Our government
pretends now to be elevating the have-nots, but as with the previous
programs of affirmative action and hire the handicapped, this is not the
case. Obama's opening the gates for an avalanche of immigration merely
dilutes the personal power of existing American citizens, lowering the
level of independence of everyone to be efficiently controlled by a
government solely interested in regimentation and control and not at all
concerned with independence, liberation or personal freedom.
Under the guise
of assisting the public during its coming time of duress, the Jade Helm
exercise is clearly about weeding out those deemed undesirable by a
government that seeks a population of politically correct robots willing
to assist in the lies that are told. There is no shortage of greedy
lackeys willing to take the apparent short term bribes and rewards in
exchange for their freedom, which is why we have a corrupt field of
candidates for president eager to enforce this artificial reality and
get paid obscene amounts of money to endorse the lies.
And that
shrinking segment of the population who seek freedom and liberty, who
refuse to go to sleep and instead examine the scary secrets behind world
events, are in deep, deep trouble.
these diminishing fateful hours before a crash that will dwarf all
previous social disasters, we still have a chance to replace the
criminals who plan on exterminating us. Will we dislodge these vermin
who regard us cattle, or like so many inept defectives before us, will
we sleep the sleep of the ages?
only rational solution to this all-out slide into totalitarianism is
for all public officials and elected representatives to resign
immediately. As that will not happen, the slide will continue, the free
country will pass into history, and most of us will not survive.
Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly
trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a
corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on
contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow
Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.
Bree the Marxist Monkey
Why don't you
go to Africa
and climb yourself
a tree?
What makes you think
America is the land
our history and culture
because of a Jewish
"white privilege" fantasy?
"white privilege" fantasy?
How much does Soros
pay you to play
the nigger fool?
go to to get the kids
to think you're cool?
What will the blacks
their race war?
Civilization will fall
will be no welfare.
Why don't you catch
a boat to Nigeria,
that's where God
put you nigras
and that's where
you belong
the day of the big
sting up is coming
won't be very long...
the day of the big
sting up is coming
won't be very long...
Brittany Newsome,
Confederate Flag,
Marxist monkey,
Fort Myers, Florida, Free Speech Assault by NAACP
By Mel Goyson
Crazy negro racist James Muwakkil of the NAACP wants to take down the portrait of General Lee in the County Commissioners chambers in Fort Myers, Florida.
This is in Lee County--which some want that name changed as well.
This despite the fact that the first slave owner in America was black.
The Traditionalist American Knights have (previously?) issued a letter of protest.
General Lee,
James Muwakkil,
race war,
white resistance
Friday, June 26, 2015
The Eternal Nigger
it just doesn't matter
how many bricks
you throw through windows
or how many white women
you rape
it doesn't matter
how mad you get
because they didn't want
to date
it doesn't matter
how many Jew media
lies you think are real
or how the nigger
word makes you feel
no consequence how
many rocks
you smoke
it doesn't matter
how offended you are
because you know
you're just a joke
it doesn't matter
how many rap stars
the Jews create
or how many sports
heroes get made
as the darkness
descends you'll
know that you're
just a creepier type
of slave
and when the night comes
and as you wither
into sleep
the darkness
that comes
is the darkness
that you keep
Is Dylann Roof A White Nelson Mandela?
Hmmm, a new twist in thought relating to Dylann Roof and the shooting in South Carolina. Let's compare him with the late Nelson Mandela, the Black Communist killing terrorist of Whites and Blacks in South Africa, and a very good and idolized friend of Marxist Communist diaper baby Barrack Obama. Have you got seven minutes? I hope so, because you are in for a very shocking awakening. Please share with everyone you can. I believe everyone should have the right to see the comparison between Dylann Roof to Nelson Mandela.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom
(7 minutes)
Watch the pics, and pause the video to read them, there will be some surprises for you. Its only 7mins long!
Hmmm, a new twist in thought relating to Dylann Roof and the shooting in South Carolina. Let's compare him with the late Nelson Mandela, the Black Communist killing terrorist of Whites and Blacks in South Africa, and a very good and idolized friend of Marxist Communist diaper baby Barrack Obama. Have you got seven minutes? I hope so, because you are in for a very shocking awakening. Please share with everyone you can. I believe everyone should have the right to see the comparison between Dylann Roof to Nelson Mandela.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom
(7 minutes)

Jewish Censorship Operation Shuts Down Holohoax Denial Youtube
By Mel Goyson
Demonstrating once again what firm believers in freedom and democracy the Jews are, Eliyahou Roth and Fred Goldstein's Facebook-based censorship operation is gloating about how they've destroyed years of work in investigating the truth about the Holy Holocaust. Fred Goldstein is also a troll who exhibits pedophile tendencies.
Here's a quick guide to breaking the Holohoax Spell.
Big Brother,
Fred Goldstein,
Jim Rizzoli,
Joe Rizzoli,
They Can't
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Those Who Wish To Destroy You Are Intent Upon Eradicating Your Symbols
The War on Our Symbols
If you are a student of military history, you will know that the soldiers of any regular army would rather die than surrender their regimental colors. Roman legions, for example, went to great lengths to protect their gilded eagles and recover them if lost. The soldier who carried the standard was more important than any soldier in the field. The bottom line is that symbols are important. A flag is not just a piece of cloth, standards are not mere ornaments, and a monument or a temple or a cathedral is not simply a physical entity.
That is why those who wish to destroy you are intent upon eradicating your symbols. The Persians made a point of burning Greek temples as well as the cities that surrounded them, and in retaliation, Alexander the Great made a point of burning the palace of Persepolis. The Soviets tore down the New Reich Chancellery and toppled its bronze eagle. The criminal law of the Federal German Republic proscribed Nazi, neo-Nazi symbols as well as those of organizations deemed to be 'racist'.
The Taliban destroyed priceless Buddhist statues. In 1965 Canada's parliamentary Quislings replaced the flag that Canadians fought and died under, the Red Ensign, with the Maple Leaf, the emblem of English Canada's demise. And now the battle flag of the Confederacy is about to be removed from the South Carolina State House grounds. One state down-- Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Arkansas and Georgia to go. All Confederate imagery must be locked up in a museum, together with those who respect it.
But it won't stop there. Social justice crusaders are on a roll, they smell blood and sense a rout. The Cultural Revolution is gathering steam. From the Donald Stern incident to Ferguson to Brooklyn to Charleston to the banishment of the Confederate flag, the enemyis picking up the pace. Get ready for the Reign of Fear. More 'racists' will be ‘outed’. More will be fired. More grovelling apologies will follow. More organizations will be targeted. More journalists will be blacklisted and marginalized. More on-line magazines like VDARE.com will lose their funding. The (Jew & Black Communist) witch-hunt will switch into full gear. After all, there are 'racists' under every bed.
The Charleston shooting may eventually do for Cultural Marxistswhat the Reichstag fire did for the Nazis--- provide a pretext for the total subjugation of potential opponents and recalcitrant reactionaries. It might prove to be the tipping point, a watershed. It was telling that the first demand of Charleston's black leaders following the church massacre was that the Confederate flag had to go. One might recall that to signal the end of Imperial Germany, the Weimar Republic replaced the Imperial flag with the republican tricolor of black, red and gold. And to signal the advent of The Thousand Year Reich, the Weimar flag was replaced by the red, white a black Swastika flag. Yes, symbols are important.
What's next? It has already been determined: The $10 bill will be altered to accommodate the image of a yet-to-be selected woman to co-exist with Alexander Hamilton, the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and architect of America's financial system. The $20 bill will be altered in the same way for the same reason. As a Treasury spokesperson told the New York Times, the present Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew was looking for a woman who was "a champion of our inclusive democracy." Preferably an African-American woman like Harriet Taub.
The "inclusive democracy" that Lew was referring to, however, is one that is obviously not inclusive of politically incorrect views or those who hold them. In fact, it is looking more and more like it will be a "Peoples" Democracy of the soft (Communist) totalitarian kind.
As one bitter critic said, "I couldn't give two shits about who is on the paper bills I rarely ever get from a cash machine. Other than it's a bunch of social justice busy bodies trying "newspeak", the "new progress". Out with the racist old white guys, in with the racially/gender/LGBT+ agitators as the heroes of our (New) culture.
Without our symbols, there is nothing to rally behind, no reference point to anchor our traditions. And when their symbols replace ours, it is a harbinger of much worse to come. You can bet on it.
Paul Fromm of Canada
If you are a student of military history, you will know that the soldiers of any regular army would rather die than surrender their regimental colors. Roman legions, for example, went to great lengths to protect their gilded eagles and recover them if lost. The soldier who carried the standard was more important than any soldier in the field. The bottom line is that symbols are important. A flag is not just a piece of cloth, standards are not mere ornaments, and a monument or a temple or a cathedral is not simply a physical entity.
That is why those who wish to destroy you are intent upon eradicating your symbols. The Persians made a point of burning Greek temples as well as the cities that surrounded them, and in retaliation, Alexander the Great made a point of burning the palace of Persepolis. The Soviets tore down the New Reich Chancellery and toppled its bronze eagle. The criminal law of the Federal German Republic proscribed Nazi, neo-Nazi symbols as well as those of organizations deemed to be 'racist'.
The Taliban destroyed priceless Buddhist statues. In 1965 Canada's parliamentary Quislings replaced the flag that Canadians fought and died under, the Red Ensign, with the Maple Leaf, the emblem of English Canada's demise. And now the battle flag of the Confederacy is about to be removed from the South Carolina State House grounds. One state down-- Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Arkansas and Georgia to go. All Confederate imagery must be locked up in a museum, together with those who respect it.
But it won't stop there. Social justice crusaders are on a roll, they smell blood and sense a rout. The Cultural Revolution is gathering steam. From the Donald Stern incident to Ferguson to Brooklyn to Charleston to the banishment of the Confederate flag, the enemyis picking up the pace. Get ready for the Reign of Fear. More 'racists' will be ‘outed’. More will be fired. More grovelling apologies will follow. More organizations will be targeted. More journalists will be blacklisted and marginalized. More on-line magazines like VDARE.com will lose their funding. The (Jew & Black Communist) witch-hunt will switch into full gear. After all, there are 'racists' under every bed.
The Charleston shooting may eventually do for Cultural Marxistswhat the Reichstag fire did for the Nazis--- provide a pretext for the total subjugation of potential opponents and recalcitrant reactionaries. It might prove to be the tipping point, a watershed. It was telling that the first demand of Charleston's black leaders following the church massacre was that the Confederate flag had to go. One might recall that to signal the end of Imperial Germany, the Weimar Republic replaced the Imperial flag with the republican tricolor of black, red and gold. And to signal the advent of The Thousand Year Reich, the Weimar flag was replaced by the red, white a black Swastika flag. Yes, symbols are important.
What's next? It has already been determined: The $10 bill will be altered to accommodate the image of a yet-to-be selected woman to co-exist with Alexander Hamilton, the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and architect of America's financial system. The $20 bill will be altered in the same way for the same reason. As a Treasury spokesperson told the New York Times, the present Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew was looking for a woman who was "a champion of our inclusive democracy." Preferably an African-American woman like Harriet Taub.
The "inclusive democracy" that Lew was referring to, however, is one that is obviously not inclusive of politically incorrect views or those who hold them. In fact, it is looking more and more like it will be a "Peoples" Democracy of the soft (Communist) totalitarian kind.
As one bitter critic said, "I couldn't give two shits about who is on the paper bills I rarely ever get from a cash machine. Other than it's a bunch of social justice busy bodies trying "newspeak", the "new progress". Out with the racist old white guys, in with the racially/gender/LGBT+ agitators as the heroes of our (New) culture.
Without our symbols, there is nothing to rally behind, no reference point to anchor our traditions. And when their symbols replace ours, it is a harbinger of much worse to come. You can bet on it.
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